Archive of Anthropogenic Artefacts
2015 -
Plastiglomorate & Drift Matter
Locations: Iceland (Surtsey, Flæðar - Kelduhverfi), Norway (Sværholt, Mjåvika - Porsanger, Ringvassøya, Lille Russevika, Store Molvik, Steinvåg).
On loan from Relics of Nature, Þóra Pétursdóttir & Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir
Kjarval’s Cabinet
Specially made and designed in correlation with the opening of
the National Museum of Iceland in 1950, Suðurgata 41.
Aluminium, plywood, 3D printed support structures from
recycled plastic, spray paint, plexi, synthetic grass.
Designed in collaboration with Garðar Eyjólfsson